Category: News

Youth Platform Launch

The importance of engaging young people in the dialogue on human rights to water and sanitation – that was the title of the webinar that we held at the end of 2020. In forming Human Right 2 Water Youth, we have created a platform to bring together global youth networks […]

The Human Rights-Based Approach for water and sanitation

Webinar 28th April , 15:00h-16:30h CET Register in Advance The term ‘Human Rights-Based Approach’ (HRBA) was recognised by Kofi Annan as early as 1997 when he advocated for its implementation across the UN system. This webinar celebrates the first publication that sets out a practical guide for using an HRBA […]

Water and Sanitation in the USA

“Each and every American has the right to clean drinking water. It is simply wrong that in the United States of America today, millions of children still receive their water through lead pipes. It’s about time we fix that. “ These were the words of the President of the United […]

Aligning PPP Legislation in Ukraine with the SDG’s

“The socially vulnerable have suffered the most”, a comment from Iryna Novikova, Deputy Minister for Development, Trade and Agriculture of Ukraine, in reference to the SDGs in the opening segment of this interactive online event. Tony Bonnici, Deputy Chief, PPP section, UNECE made reference to the need to be “Building […]

A Human Rights-Based Approach Practical Guide

On this International World Water Day, Human Right 2 Water is excited to be launching its manual on the Human Rights-Based Approach (HRBA)– A practical guide for the realisation of the human rights to water and sanitation through programming. The integration of HRBA in development projects has accelerated over the […]

International Women’s Day – Women, Water and Human Rights

Webinar 8th March, 15:00h-16:30h CET Register in Advance Read more about our panellists here “Choose to Challenge” is the theme of this year’s International Women’s Day.  A day to celebrate women’s achievements, but also to challenge stereotypes, fight prejudice, expand perceptions and improve conditions. #ChoosetoChallenge #IWD2021 In the world of […]

Good Practices of NHRIs in Water Governance

Webinar 24th Feb, 11:00h-12:30h CET Register in Advance National Human Rights Institutions (NHRIs) have a duty to protect, respect and fulfil human rights, and they work as an independent institution according to the Paris Principles and usually funded by their national government.  NHRIs have varying mandates and organisational structures, but […]