World Toilet Day Event

The right to a healthy environment is linked to the right to sanitation

Today’s webinar event to celebrate World Toilet Day was hosted by IWRA. The title ‘Managing Sanitation Systems to protect Groundwater’ was designed to trigger discussion around the global challenges for managing sanitation waste, and the impacts on groundwater.

The speakers were introduced by Lindsey Blodgett from IWRA (international Water Resources Association), and the meeting was facilitated by Renee Martin-Nagle, Treasurer of IWRA and a freshwater legal expert. Presentations were from Michael Campana, Oregon State University, Amanda Loeffen, HR2W, and Michel Frem, UNESCO Groundwater Youth.

Each presentation gave a different perspective, showing case studies from Central America (Campana), an overview of the link between the right to sanitation and the right to a healthy environment (Loeffen) and the youth perspective in a UNESCO initiative to generate awareness and monitor groundwater (Frem).

With an audience of 130 registrations, the online discussion and Q&A was lively and interested, and this event went a small way towards increasing awareness of World Toilet Day, and the global need for action.

You can watch the session’s recording here:

Slides from Amanda Loeffen summarised the global crisis