Youth Perspective

A Legal and Policy Based Youth Perspective on the Human Rights to Water and Sanitation, 11th August 2021

“We need to get local communities involved to help solve problems to access”, says Imanol Aguilera at the youth-led Actors of Change workshop hosted by The World Youth Parliament on Water. This workshop provided an opportunity for Human Right 2 Water to share slides on what we mean by the human rights to water and sanitation, and how people can access these rights.

Introduced by Sophie Gunther at SIE, and moderated by Noemie Plumier from WYPW, Imanol presented a 40 minute workshop for young people that are interested in the topic and how they can get involved. The recording is available to review at

Following Imanol’s presentation, Wasif Muhammad Bashir also shared a few words from the South Asian perspective an Pakistan, and provided some ground truthing from the point of view of a young professional. In his view “Youth is always neglected”, and we need to recognise this to change perspectives.