Thursday 29 of June, HR2W co-hosted a webinar with AGUASAN as part of their e-learning journey leading to a hybrid workshop in Martigny this October (9-13). The webinar showcased different methodologies and case studies for citizen science and the way it can help communities guarantee the human right to water […]
Masterclass Module5: Human Rights Indicators as a tool for realising SDG6
Module 5 of the Masterclass for Institutional Responsibility was held on Wednesday May 31st. The module was hosted by Dr. Pedi Obani who is the Associate Professor at the University of Bradford and our Expert Committee vice-chair. The lecture and the workshop focused on human rights indicators and how these […]
Masterclass Module 4: Stakeholder Engagement and Corporate Social Responsibility
“We need to think of our most vulnerable stakeholders, and we need to understand their views and concerns in an appropriate manner from the beginning” Module 4 of the Masterclass for Institutional Responsibility was held on Wednesday May 24th. The module was hosted by Michelle Hiestermann from the Presidential Climate […]
Masterclass Module2: HRWS and corporate due diligence for sustainability
The second module of the Masterclass for Institutional responsibility was held on may 10th and it focused on the human rights to water and sanitation, and corporate due diligence for sustainability. Dr. Pedi Obani, HR2W’s vice-chair of the Expert Committee, was in charge of this session. We had 168 people […]
Masterclass Module3: Situation Analysis from a HRBA
” In the HRBA, people and communities are recognized as having a key role to play in the realization of their rights”. Module 3 of the Masterclass for Institutional Responsibility was held on Wednesday May 17th. The lecture and workshop was facilitated by Raya Marina Stephan, an international water law […]
Menstruation Matters for the Realization of Human Rights
May 28th is World’s Menstrual Hygiene Day. This blog was written by Professor Inga Winkler, member of our Expert Committee, and her colleagues Professor Maya Unnithan and Karine Aasgaard Jansen. It was originally published on the Oxford Human Rights Hub Blog on 26 May 2023. Menstrual activism is at its […]
Alternative technologies to fight climate change
“Climate change challenges and state fragility in the water, energy, food/land, raw material nexus and the position of hydrogen and Carbon Capture Utilisation and Storage for increasing resilience“ This paper was released in the 20th edition of the European Geologist Journal on April 2023. Read the full document: here Authors: […]
World Water Day: Law and the Human Right to Water
For World Water Day, our Expert Committee Chair, Martha Davis from the Law Department of Northeastern University, co-released two documents highlighting the importance of the human right to water. The documents were released in partnership with the School of Law at Miami University and the Indigenous Safe Housing Center. The […]
Masterclass Module 1 : Investment in the HRBA for sustainable water solutions
This first module of the Masterclass for Institutional Responsibility featured Yuri Ramkissoon and Luxon Nhamo as the lecturers in the public portion of the module, with a turnout of approximately 155 people. Our speakers focused on the investment in the rights-based approach for sustainable water solutions covering topics such as […]
Data on Tap
Author: Jacob Hayward Local water utilities’ policies regarding access, pricing, payment schedules, shutoffs, and debt collection have significant impacts on the individuals and communities that these utilities serve. In recent years, a distinct legislative trend towards mandated water policy transparency has been gaining momentum across the country. Simultaneously, an international […]