Monitoring with Human Rights Indicators – How can this help to accelerate SDG6?

Webinar 19th July 2022, 14h-15:30h CET View recording here

The use of indicators in the field of human rights is part of a comprehensive and systematic process to implement, monitor and realise rights. Indicators are a specific and practical tool for promoting the fulfilment of human rights and measuring their implementation. The Human Rights-Based Approach (HRBA) attaches importance not only to programme outcomes, but also to the process by which those outcomes are achieved. Because of this, the development of human rights-based indicators plays a key role, because it allows for the evaluation of human rights compliance throughout the whole programme, throughout the evaluation of both processes and outcomes.

The purpose of this webinar was to introduce the process of developing human rights-based indicators for monitoring and evaluating interventions, and to discuss their practical application. It should be noted that we have drawn on the guidelines for human rights indicators from 2008 that were developed by the Office of the High Commissioner of Human Rights (OHCHR), and recognised as the original reference document on this topic.[i] The present methodology has been developed by Human Right 2 Water (HR2W), together with the Kenya National Commission on Human Rights, with the support of the Swiss Development Corporation, and the Inter-American Development Bank. It is published in a policy brief[ii], sponsored by IWRA and it is being continuously improved by our team as we gain practical experience with projects being carried out in the field in different countries such as Kenya and Mexico. 

The online discussion proposed in this workshop-style webinar, relates to the learnings and challenges of this approach, together with the positive benefits gained from the ability to monitor progressive realisation at the sub-national level. For additional information on the indicators developed for Marsabit and Garissa in northern Kenya, please get in touch with one of our team.

The agenda:

Moderator: Raya Stefan, IWRA


The challenges of realising SDG 6, and how monitoring of human right indicators can provide a roadmap, Keynote Speaker, Natalia Gullón Muñoz-Repiso, Spanish Development Agency (slides attached here)


Introduction to Human Right Indicators, Sine Tepe, OHCHR

The application of indicators in Kenya, Patrick Bonjonte, KNCHR

Perspectives from water and sanitation providers in Kenya, Styvers Kathuni, Kenya Rapid+

Roundtable discussion:

Human Right Indicators for water and sanitation, how to scale it up in terms of accelerating access to water and sanitation and SDG 6. Participants encouraged to ask questions of the panellists.

Facilitator, Amanda Loeffen, HR2W

[i] OHCHR, ‘Report on Indicators for Promoting and Monitoring the Implementation of Human Rights’ (6 June 2008) UN Doc HRI/MC/2008/3

[ii] Policy Briefs – Human Right 2 Water

IWRA International Water Resources Association

OHCHR Office of the High Commissioner of Human Rights

KNCHR Kenya National Commission on Human Rights

HR2W Human Right 2 Water